Hard Sex Toys
Anything derived from Plastic, Silicone, Metal and Glass toys can be cleaned with running alcohol or boiling water. Alternatively they can be cleaned even in the dishwasher if you are that lazy like the rest of us. We want to ensure being careful when handling the more brittle devices (such as glass and plastic) not to drop them. Even the smallest of abrasions can cause massive problems and even injury.
Imitation Skin Sex Toys
Normally following the manufactures guidelines on how to clean each artificial skinned toy will be your best bet as they can all be different. Warm soapy water (never boiling) should usually be fine for these. Exercise caution when handling them as the skin can tear.
Jelly Rubber and Rubber Sex Toys
The same can be done with rubber toys as Skin toys. We never want to expose them to the open air either as they are porous. They are very prone to attracting bacteria and we don’t want to probe it with open air. Usually using a condom on these is a good option. Sex toys that are a mix of silicone and jelly rubber need to be cleaned as if they were just rubber also.